Best Plugin to Create Dynamic Background Effects

Best Plugin to Create Dynamic Background Effects

Best Plugin to Create Dynamic Background Effects

You want your website to be engaging and interactive for your visitors. One way to fullfill this is by incorporating animations on scroll into your website design. And I am here to tell you Scrollsequence is the perfect solution for that. It is the best plugin to create dynamic background effects.

At Scrollsequence, we’ve developed a Freemium WordPress plugin that allows users to add a sequence of images that play and rewind as the user scrolls up or down. The image animation happens on the background, and on the foreground, users can add and animate HTML content in sync with the image sequence animation. Each image is numbered and image number is used as a keyframe for the HTML content animation.

Benefits of Scrollsequence

Easy to Integrate

One of the main benefits of using Scrollsequence is that it’s easy to use and integrate into any page with just a few clicks. Users can easily upload a sequence of images and create animations by using the built-in visual editor. The plugin also uses GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) under the hood, which is a JavaScript library that is known for its performance, and silky smooth animations.

Read More: 7 inspiring examples of image sequence scroll animation


But that’s not all, Scrollsequence is also lightweight and only loads the scripts when the scroll sequence is present on a page. This helps to keep the website fast and reduces the load on mobile devices with sluggish processors.

Image & Scroll Triggered Animations

But the real magic happens when users create interactive elements and scroll triggered animations by using the built-in visual editor. They can animate on-scroll any HTML element in sync with the media, and create an engaging and interactive user experience for their visitors.


At Scrollsequence, we believe that animations on scroll can bring a website to life and make it more engaging for users. That’s why we’ve developed a plugin that allows anyone, regardless of their coding knowledge, to easily add animations on scroll to their website. We are proud to say that Scrollsequence is a must-have plugin for any website owner looking to enhance their website’s design and user experience. 

Also Read:

Scroll Sequence Introduction – Basic Tutorial

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