Enrollment Lite Course boxes

CodeVibrant Forums Enrollment Enrollment Lite Course boxes

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  • #4831

    Looking for some help with the boxes for courses on the homepage.
    I would like the boxes to all be the same height but they vary depending on the amount of text in the post. is it possible to set a limit on these??

    Also is there a way to re-order them, I currently show 4 courses(Posts), currently it shows, for example, post1 – post2 – post3 – post4 and i would actually like them to be post2 – post3 – post1 -post4

    Unfortunately, the site is not live or accessible externally if anyone has any suggestions it would be much appreciated.


    Hello there

    Please add the following code in additional CSS box in customizer:

    .enrollment_service .grid-items-wrapper .single-post-wrapper {
    	display: block;
    .enrollment_service .grid-items-wrapper {
    	display: flex;

    Thanks 🙂


    thanks for that the blocks are all now the same size. Is it possible to reduce the height or will they all be the height of the tallest? (not tested this yet)

    Also, can they be reordered or is the order based off of the post number?


    Hello there

    The height will be same according to the tallest block. For reordering the block you need to edit the post publish time so that latest block will be shown up accordingly.

    Thanks 🙂

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