Hi there. Really love the theme, but there are a few things I’m having some trouble with. The biggest one has to do with the fact that none or only one of my posts show up on the front page until the user begins to scroll down. So the visitor only sees a blank page unless they know to scroll. http://www.gbacg.org/blog/
How can I fix this so that some number of the available posts load upon visiting the site?
I should clarify that I like the WoW animations, and have figured out that I can turn them off, but how can I adjust the preloading to show the top two rows or so initially, then more as users scroll down?
Hi! So I installed a lazy loader like you suggested, but since the front page displays the posts and isn’t an editable page, where in the themes do I install the shortcode? http://www.gbacg.org/finery/ is the site. I put <?php echo do_shortcode("[ajax_load_more]"); ?> into the page.php template, after the loop comment (following the main body php). But this didn’t work.