Setting Background color on Wisdom Blog pages

CodeVibrant Forums Wisdom Blog Setting Background color on Wisdom Blog pages

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    The default background on pages is white. I tried to change it several ways but was unsuccessful. 1) I set the background color under Customize>General>Color, but that didn’t change it. 2) I edited style.css and changed the #ffffff on line 63 to #faf7b0, but that didn’t change it either. Any suggestions?


    Hello there

    It will be great if you give us the live URL so that we can check and give you feedback.

    Thanks 🙂


    Sorry about not getting back to you. Here’s a page.


    So, besides 1) changing the white background color on the blog posting, I want to be able to 2) change the font color of the posting text. Can you point me where to go to change those?
    Also, 3), I’m not sure what changed, but previously there was a small (about an inch square) picture that displayed below my post in a widget that also had icon links to twitter, facebook and instagram.
    I can’t seem to find the settings for that widget. How do I find it? Did the picture size requirements change or something?

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