Fullpage Layout
This theme shows the section content as the fullpage layout. Each section are shown in its corresponding scroll.

Detailed Documentation
We provide you with necessary information to create your websites with ease as a document.

Responsive Design
Theme is fully responsive and optimized for all mobile devices such as iPad, iPhone, Android and Windows Phone and other.

Colorful Gradient Backgrounds
In this theme multiples of colors are used to create the background of the sections. Its gives a creative look for a agency site.

SEO Optimized
Our Theme’s fast load features, responsive designs/codes and it is coded carefully following latest trends to be SEO optimized in order to rank your site higher in search engines for high traffic.

Top Notch Support
We provide top-notch theme support to configure our theme. If you get any problem setting up the theme or using any features, don’t be afraid, we’ve got your back

Plugin Compatible
This Theme support most of the popular plugin that helps you to extend the features of your site to next level and helps you to complete your site.

Translation Ready
Our Theme comes with translation-ready features, which can be very beneficial if your website is particular regional base or serves many different regions around the globe.
Pre Loaders
Header Layouts
Google Fonts
Typography options
WooCommerce Compatible
Custom 404 Page
Background Image
Background Color Option
Layouts Options
- Site Logo
- Sticky Menu
- Fullpage layout
- Right Sidebar
- Left Sidebar
- No Sidebar
- No Sidebar Center
- Creative Archive Layout
- Repeater field to create Social Icons
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Search Engine Optimization
- Translation Ready
- Free Support
- Footer Menu
- Responsive Design
= 1.1.3 - March 12, 2022 = * Fixed - 404 design issue fixed. * Changed - Some design tweaks done in archive and single page. = 1.1.2 - August 14, 2020 = * Fixed - customizer issue. = 1.1.1 - 25 March, 2020 = * Fixed - menu overlap the wpadmin bar and also removed the top gap of wpadminbar in mobile devices. = 1.1.0 - 17 March, 2020 = * Fixed - show/hide responsive menu on focus. = 1.0.9 - 12 March, 2020 = * Fixed - ordering html while focus on responsive design. * Fixed - primary menu bugs at responsive design. = 1.0.8 - 26 February, 2020 = * Fixed - tab navigation for search and menu toggle. = 1.0.7 - 20 February, 2020 = * Fixed - bug on responsive menu. * Fixed - skip link with keyboard navigation issue. * Fixed - woocommerce.css 404 issue. = 1.0.6 - February 11th 2020 = * Frontpage section wrapper class changed. * Fullscreen js update. * Change default value for latest post in frontpage. * Fixed bugs at keyboard navigation for primary menu. = 1.0.5 - August 05 2019 = * Added skip link for content. * Added missing breadcrumb options in customizer. * Added target blank in social icons link. * Updated .pot file. = 1.0.4 - July 3rd 2019 = * Wrapped page content when the static page is chosen. * Updated welcome page code. * Updated .pot file. = 1.0.3 = * Removed background color and image options from the customizer. * Fullpage js scroll overflow removed. * Responsive CSS changes in news and service section. * Added class on about section if feature image is not available. = 1.0.2 = * Welcome page added. * Customizer upsell section added. * Deleted sticky library. = 1.0.1 = * Just increase version to upload the theme on wordpress.org repo. = 1.0.0 = * Initial release.
Theme Summary
March 12, 2022